Two Crayons, 2022
Video projection, 16:9 aspect ratio
6:19 mins
Dimensions variable
Anticipation, 2021
Dimensions variable
Bernice Lee
Bernice is an artist, performer, writer and dance practitioner who delves into the entanglements between making art and living life. Grounded in the everyday pleasures of embodiment, her practice looks at the centrality of the living body. Her work is driven by playing and performing – unfixing how the seer and the seen, the lens and the screen, might relate. Bernice constantly seeks out languages for transformation. Combining a digital presence in dialogue with live work, her current research zooms in on the Mother as a malleable archetype.
Bernice is co-director of Rolypoly Family / Derring-Do Dance with Faye Lim. She has a joint practice with theatre practitioner Chong Gua Khee; their work Tactility Studies: Hold to Reset, was part of Singapore International Festival of Arts (2021). An Associate Member of Dance Nucleus (2018-2021), Dance Artist with Maya Dance Theatre and Frontier Danceland (2011-2017), Bernice holds a BFA (Hons) in Dance from The Ohio State University.