Grief, a word heavy with pain and sorrow, carries a symphony of emotions too intricate for mere spoken language to convey. It resides in the quiet, nestled among the echoes of memories and the vast emptiness of absence.

This installation, The Silent Dialogue: Whispers of Grief aims to breathe life into the ethereal dimension, giving shape to the elusive shadow cast within the presence of absence. This dimension serves as a sanctuary for the fragile emotions and memories of those who have departed. Through the medium of ceramic sculpture, the artist forms tangible bridges that delicately span the gap between the material and immaterial worlds, mirroring the ephemeral nature of life. This installation delves into the cyclical nature of grief, inviting viewers to navigate the silence within the void, filling in what remains unspoken, and contemplate their personal, often silent exchanges that transpire within the depths of loss.

The Silent Dialogue: Whisper of Grief (V)
Bisqueware, jute rope
Dimensions variable

The Silent Dialogue: Whispers of Grief (I)
Bisqueware, jute rope
Dimensions variable


Sherlyn Tang

Sherlyn Tang, a Singapore-based artist and designer, weaves her background in media design into her art practice, creating a multi-disciplinary tapestry that enriches her work. Her journey in ceramics delves into the concept of the void, sculpting between the notions of presence and absence, drawing from Martin Heidegger’s idea of Dasein and the Japanese notion of Ma ( ) to explore the fleeting essence of existence. Her installations present a reflective exploration of grief, inviting viewers into a contemplative space shaped by philosophical, psychological, and perceptual insights.

Holding a Bachelor of Media Arts Degree, majoring in Animation from Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver, Canada and a Diploma in Digital Media Design from Nanyang Polytechnic. Currently a Senior Lecturer with Nanyang Polytechnic, School of Design and Media.

Instagram: @pomatoes__0_0